Monday, 25 April 2011

Outfit idea #2

An outfit that my dear friend is going to wear :D Thought I'd post it and hopefully if my convincing is good I might get a post with my friend modelling it ;p

After speaking with my friend about the dress - she was not entirely impressed. She said that the dress itself was itchy. She took a photo and What'sapped me what the dress looked like - Seems like the lighting in the photo made that dress look amazing. But anyway, I'm not here to discuss the highs and lows of ASOS's products but I thought I'd share what I've been told :)

Dress - X / Necklace - X / Clutch Bag - X / Shoes -

1 comment:

  1. What a classy outfit idea ! I love the heels : they're , like, impressive or something ^^' Anyway, really cute ^^
