This month I present to you Jessica Lowndes, some of you might know her from 90210. In my opinion Miss Lowndes is beautiful, she can sing and she can act!
Perfect package for the performing arts world. Anyway, back to the point, I chose Jessica because I thought that she just needed that moment to be appreciated as a model as well as her other skills.
Perfect package for the performing arts world. Anyway, back to the point, I chose Jessica because I thought that she just needed that moment to be appreciated as a model as well as her other skills.
"Jessica Lowndes, born 8th November 1988, is a Canadian actress and singer" (Wikipedia)
There isn't many details about Miss Lowndes's modeling career. For me to fill you with the details about her performing artstry defeats my purpose of the model of the model however, she did appear in People's magazine list of World's Most Beautiful People of 2009 (Wikipedia)
I do apologise for using Wikipedia as my source - I haven't found anything as close to reliable as Wikipedia. However, if you do know of any good sources, do let me know!
I present to you Jessica Lowndes

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