A nice Sunday Morning out and I'm writing a long post. Clearly my day today is not looking too fantastic. Coursework is probably where I'm heading to after this .. ahh uni life aye? Anyway, I have decided to merge some collections together, couldn't decide what I wanted to post and because I haven't posted many things this week - why not merge them??
Collection one - H&M Spring/Summer 2011

Now only recently, H&M hasn't been my favourite shop in London. I walk in there with high hopes of purchasing something sadly, one leaves the shop very empty handed.
If this was H&M's style of clothing for their campaigns, why then can I never find any of these garments? Maybe I have to go to the huge stores in Oxford Street or Westfield, but either way, I want to find something in H&M!!!
anyway, I do like this collection especially image 7 (two images below my speech) It's not an in-yer-face kind of an outfit but more like "Hey! Just got from work, and I'm meeting up with my friends whom I haven't seen in a while..." Perhaps that's just me!

Now this style is cute. I'm not the one with technical terms in fashion, so excuse my bad description of things at time tehe. The jogging bottoms are real nice - Might have to go on a little browse 'round the shops or something of the equivalent.
Enough of my writing! Here's H&M Spring/Summer Collection 2011
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